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the tongva造句

  • This land was once shared by the Tongva and Acjachemem tribes.
  • The area encompassing Fountain Valley was originally inhabited by the Tongva people.
  • The Tongva petitioned the courts for relief, which blocked the development.
  • The Tongva believe they have been here since the beginning of time.
  • The Tongva called the San Pedro area " Chaaw ".
  • The natural springs on the land were used by the Tongva people.
  • The area was originally occupied by the Tongva people.
  • The Tongva / Gabrielino population numbered about 5, 000 at this time.
  • The springs remain sacred to the Tongva People.
  • This marked the beginning of an era of the rapid collapse of the Tongva population.
  • It's difficult to see the tongva in a sentence. 用the tongva造句挺难的
  • The Tongva Indians also called the San Bernardino area Wa'aach in their language.
  • Many lines of evidence suggest that the Tongva are descended of Uto-Aztecan language family.
  • The Tongva and Acjachemem Indians are in dispute over the remains and how to handle them.
  • The Tongva-Fernande駉 inhabited the Valley, along the tributaries to the Los Angeles River.
  • In 1769, the Tongva met their first Europeans when Portola expedition came through on its way north.
  • The Tongva language became extinct in the twentieth century, but a reconstructed form continues to be spoken today.
  • Other family groups of the Tongva could be found elsewhere in the San Gabriel Valley and San Fernando Valley.
  • The Los Angeles Basin was the ancestral land of the Tongva-Gabrieli駉 Native Americans for thousands of years.
  • At times the Tongva violently resisted Spanish rule, such as the 1785 rebellion led by the female chief Toypurina.
  • The river provided a source of water and food for the Tongva people prior to the arrival of the Spanish.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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